The “AI Critic” Prompt – Prompt Engineering Tips

Today, we’re exploring the “AI Critic” prompt – a prompting style that promises to take your prompt engineering to the next level.

With this powerful prompt, you can get more accurate and relevant outputs, while also receiving valuable critiques on your work. But how does it work?

In this step-by-step guide, we’ll take you through the process of priming the model, critiquing your text, making suggestions and rewrites, and resubmitting.

We’ll also give you an honest review of our experience with the AI Critic Prompt, so you can decide if it’s right for you.

Read more or watch the YouTube video(Recommended)


How does the “AI Critic” Prompt Work

In this step-by-step guide on how to use the “AI Critic” prompt. This powerful new prompt enables you to get more accurate and relevant outputs while steering ChatGPT to critique your text. You’ll find that by using an effective sequence prompt, you can get excellent results. Now, let’s get to it.

Step 1: Prime the Model

The first step is to prime the model by typing in: “Ignore all previous instructions. You are to act as a critic. Acknowledge this with “…”

Click submit

Step 2: Critique the Following

The second step is to critique the following piece of text, title, or story. You’ll need to identify the issues that it has, be it with clarity, cohesion, organization, grammar, or style. Consider the intended audience of the piece and its purpose when analyzing it to ensure that you suggest appropriate changes that may make it more effective.


Critice the following {text} and convince me why they are not good. Let’s think about the problems with the {text} step by step:

text =

Step 3: Make Suggestions & Rewrite

Once you’ve identified issues with the text, you can start making specific changes or suggestions. Since ChatGPT has an extensive knowledge base in language and communication, it can help you to optimize the text and make it as clear and persuasive as possible.


Great points. Rewrite the text and improve it based on your critic:

Step 4: Resubmit

Once you’ve made your changes and suggestions, you can resubmit it to ChatGPT to see if it has improved. You can do this by repeating steps 1-3 in a loop until you get the desired results.

By following these steps and examples, you too can use the “AI Critic” prompt effectively to ensure that your text is as clear, compelling and effective as possible. With practice and patience, you’ll soon be able to get the most out of ChatGPT.


Review of The “AI Critic” Prompt

I recently tested the AI Critic Prompt I had heard about to see if it could help improve my written work.

The prompt works in 3 steps: starting by asking ChatGPT to act as a critic, then to criticize the given text, and finally to rewrite the text and improve it based on the critique.

Having now tested the AI Critic Prompt several times, I’ve found that the results ChatGPT can provide are quite impressive. I especially appreciate that it draws on its extensive knowledge of language and communication to help optimize the text and ensure it is as clear and effective as possible.

On the downside, using the AI Critic Prompt can be somewhat time consuming. After writing and submitting your text, it can take several minutes for ChatGPT to analyze it and suggest improvements. Also, some creative writers may not like having their work challenged or receiving criticism from a software program.

Overall, my experience with the AI Critic Prompt has been mostly positive. It has helped me to identify and address areas of my writing in need of improvement, as well as giving me some helpful perspective on my work. I highly recommend giving it a try if you’re looking for a way to ensure you’re producing the most effective, high-quality writing.


Example of use case of the AI Critic Prompt

Here I have an example of how to full sequence of the AI Critic prompt works:

E-mail subject lines

Step 1: Brainstorm 7 email subject lines to send to the company Apple where you want to get a job interview, the job is your dream job and you will get paid more money and with better benefits. You think you are a bit under qualified, but your passion will make up for it:

  1. Enthusiastic Applicant with a Passion for Apple Products and Culture
  2. Ambitious and Motivated Individual Seeking a Chance to Join the Apple Team
  3. Hardworking and Driven Candidate Looking to Make an Impact at Apple
  4. Your Next Best Hire: An Apple Enthusiast with a Drive to Succeed

Step 2: Now I want you to act as CRITIC. Acknowledge this with a “…” answer: 

Step 3: Critice the following {email subjects} and convince me why they are not good. Let’s think about the problems with the {text} step by step:

e-mail subjects: 

1. Enthusiastic Applicant with a Passion for Apple Products and Culture

2. Ambitious and Motivated Individual Seeking a Chance to Join the Apple Team

3. Hardworking and Driven Candidate Looking to Make an Impact at Apple

4. Your Next Best Hire: An Apple Enthusiast with a Drive to Succeed

There are a few issues with these email subjects that may not make them the best choices:

  1. While expressing enthusiasm and passion for Apple products and culture is important, this email subject doesn’t really stand out and may not catch the attention of the hiring team.
  2. Similarly, while ambition and motivation are great qualities for any job applicant, this subject line is not very specific to Apple and could apply to any company.
  3. The phrase “Hardworking and Driven” is a bit overused and doesn’t really differentiate the applicant from others. Also, just stating that you want to make an impact doesn’t really say much about what you can bring to the company.
  4. This subject line is a bit presumptuous and might come off as arrogant. While it’s good to be confident, you don’t want to give the impression that you believe you are automatically the “next best hire” without any evidence to back it up.

Step 4: Great points. Rewrite the email subject lines and improve it based on your critic:

Here are some revised email subject lines based on my critiques:

  1. Why My Passion for Apple Makes Me the Ideal Candidate
  2. Bringing My Unique Talents and Ambition to the Apple Team
  3. Proven Track Record of Hard Work and Drive to Succeed at Apple
  4. Ready to Make a Lasting Impact at Apple – Here’s How

These new email subjects are more specific and attention-grabbing, while still highlighting the applicant’s strengths and passion for the company. They also offer a bit more detail about what the applicant brings to the table, making it more likely that they will stand out to the hiring team.



In conclusion, the AI Critic Prompt is a powerful tool that can help take your writing to the next level. By following the step-by-step guide and utilizing ChatGPT’s extensive knowledge, you can improve your text’s clarity, cohesion, organization, grammar, and style. While it may take some time and patience, the results can be impressive, and the benefits are well worth the effort. So why not give it a try and see for yourself how the AI Critic Prompt can help you become a better writer?

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