ChatGPT: How to Write a Long Text with AI – 4500 Words+

With the advent of ChatGPT 16K, I found myself liberated from the clutches of the 4K token window—those days when trying to write anything longer than a tweet felt like an uphill battle.

I’m going to let you in on my step-by-step guide for harnessing the prowess of this groundbreaking AI model to write long texts, stories, or even epic blog posts. Trust me, it’s going to be a rollercoaster ride of novel ideas and unparalleled creative freedom!

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The ChatGPT 4K vs 16K Token Window

When I first started my journey with ChatGPT, there was one hurdle that proved to be quite challenging – the 4K token window limit. Imagine trying to write an epic novel on a small notepad – that’s what it felt like working within this limitation! The model could only process up to 4K tokens at a time, which restricted me from writing longer articles or stories.

However, just when I thought I had hit a wall with the 4K limitation, OpenAI introduced the 16K token window in its upgraded version – OpenAI GPT-3.5 Turbo-16K! It quadrupled the model’s capacity from before, allowing it to process up to 16K tokens in one go. This upgrade was like moving from a small notepad to a massive canvas where I could let my creativity run wild!

My Step-by-Step Guide to Writing Long Text with ChatGPT

Here is my step-by-step guide on how I write long text, stories or blog post using ChatGPT or other LLMs with an API and Python:

Step 1: Filling Out A Story Idea Template

The first step towards writing a long text using ChatGPT involves filling out a story idea template. This template helps in setting the context for the AI model and includes various details such as genre, setting, main plot and characters.

In one experiment, I decided to create a children’s adventure story featuring popular characters like Spiderman and Harry Potter. The choice of these characters was driven by their universal appeal among children and their potential for creating a thrilling narrative.

Step 2: Let ChatGPT Write Outlines

Once the story idea template is filled out, it’s time to let ChatGPT take over! Using its superior AI writing model capabilities, it uses the information provided in the template to write outlines for seven chapters – all automatically!

picture of how to write a long text or story with the chatgpt 16K

Step 3: Generate Chapter Summaries

After creating detailed outlines for each chapter based on my initial input, ChatGPT moves onto generating summaries for each chapter. These brief overviews provide an insight into what each chapter will cover and serve as stepping stones for fleshing out the full chapters later.

Step 4: Write Chapters in Segments

The next step is where things get even more interesting! Based on each summary, ChatGPT proceeds to write out each chapter in detail. This step further exemplifies the power of automated story generation that has been made possible thanks to advancements like OpenAI’s GPT-3.5 Turbo.

Step 5: Append Each Chapter to The Story

In the final step of this amazing journey, each written chapter is appended one by one to form a complete story file. It’s like watching individual puzzle pieces come together to form a beautiful image!

My Experience Writing A Long Text With ChatGPT

Using this five-step process, I was able to create an enchanting children’s adventure story featuring Spiderman and Harry Potter in about eleven and a half minutes! The end result was an engaging ten-page story comprising approximately 4232 words – all created automatically by ChatGPT!

Conclusion: The Future of Content Creation with ChatGPT and AI

Writing long texts and titles with ChatGPT isn’t just about creating engaging content; it’s about exploring new frontiers in AI technology that are shaping our future.

While it may not replace human writers anytime soon, tools like ChatGPT offer immense potential in various sectors beyond content creation – think education where teachers could use it as an aid for creating lesson plans or businesses using it for drafting reports or presentations.

The upgrade from a 4K token window to a whopping 16K tokens context window isn’t just numbers; it signifies how far we have come in AI capabilities. And there is much more to come.

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